CYLACTIN®- Boosting good microflora


Efficient digestion depends on maintaining balanced microbial populations in the gut. This is where CYLACTIN® can help. Containing live Enterococcus faecium, CYLACTIN® is a probiotic feed additive. It stabilizes gut microflora and builds a better intestinal environment by:

• Limiting the growth of harmful bacteria including E.coli, Salmonella and Clostridia
• Increasing numbers of lactic-acid-producing bacteria
• Reducing toxin levels in the intestine
• Synthesizing protective short-chain fatty acids
• Stimulating the protection of the intestinal wall

Feeding CYLACTIN® has been shown to reduce incidences of digestive upsets, including diarrhea and MMA (mastitis-metritis-agalactia) syndrome. It thus helps optimize performance, feed conversion and animal welfare.


• Faster growing, more efficient broilers – improvements in average weight gain and feed conversion.

• Healthier calves – CYLACTIN® showed to reduce digestive upsets and to increase daily weight gain in pre-weaning calves.

• Fitter swine – Piglets fed CYLACTIN® are less prone to diarrhea. In finishing pigs, the supplement has shown to improve weight gain and feed conversion, and to reduce mortality.


The provision of CYLACTIN® in two product forms means that it has the flexibility to suit every manufacturing system.

• CYLACTIN® LBC ME20 Plus is the best protected micro-encapsulated form of our range, delivering exceptional protection during feed processing.
• CYLACTIN® LBC G35 is a fine granulate, ideal for use in milk replacers.


Please, contact us for further information and requests